Monday, April 17, 2006

Foreclosure Property Research Just Got a Lot More Fun

Foreclosure Research

I was checking property values using my favorite property estimation tool,, when I noticed something very strange.

I was actually looking right at the house!
The actual house.

Now, that's ingenious. Being able to see what the foreclosure home looks like from a "bird's eye view" is just awesome.

It uses Microsoft's Virtual Earth to get closer to the potential investment property than anything I've seen.

All you have to do is to click on the house and click "see home details"

This cool research tool anables you to see the condition of the house and the neighborhood.
Especially comes in handy when looking for a property in a different state when you'll be investing as an absentee buyer/investor.

Give it a try. It's free!
You get an estimate of the value, get a map, directions to the home and a close up picture.

filed under: foreclosure research


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